How would you invest a million dollars in property?

By Cate Bakos | May 28, 2017

I am often asked this question. Risk averse buyers like the idea of spreading their risk and often ask whether three or four regional purchases would aid a safer journey. Buyers who apply their own love of period properties will ask where they could buy in order to secure a beautiful Victorian at this level. The…

Auctions: What are the four reasons you should stop bidding?

By Cate Bakos | May 21, 2017

Yesterday was a dismal day for us out at five auctions. Three bidders, five properties, five lovely anxious clients.  We secured none of them. Weekend auction success rates vary, but in this hot and unexplained market, our overall auction success rate is considerably lower than past years… and so it should be.  Yesterday’s auction misses…

Where can sheer determination lead us?

By Cate Bakos | May 12, 2017

Two years ago this week marks the date which a family bought a house for $406,000 at auction in East Geelong. There was nothing ordinary about this adventure though… not for us, nor for them. The journey has been noteworthy from the conception of their idea to build wealth, to the finished product that they…

Will the First Home Buyer Stamp Duty Changes Skew Our Market?

By Cate Bakos | May 7, 2017

The first half of 2017 is shaping up to be defined by our business as the change of our normal blend. We have historically helped a larger proportion of investors in their quest to build a wealthier future; and our blend of home-finders has generally sat between 20-40% of our active clients. The Home-Finder client numbers currently sit…

Mentored Advocacy – the Value of Homework

By Cate Bakos | April 30, 2017

When we commence a Mentored Advocacy assignment with our locally based clients, the process is quite different from a traditional Buyer’s Advocate brief where the tasks are totally handled by the engaged third party. The essential process steps are the same, but the role our Mentored student plays is the differentiator. Equipped with a tailored weekly itinerary, Mentored clients…

Townhouses, Subdivisions, Owners Corporation, …Shared Land?

By Cate Bakos | April 23, 2017

This week we proudly helped three clients with double story townhouse purchases. All three had one thing in common; they were on their own title with no shared land. But each presented us with a range of important questions about registered Owners Corporations. Why is the unit numbered the way it is? Is Body Corporate…

Understanding the Popularity of a Genre of Property

By Cate Bakos | April 15, 2017

As Buyer’s Advocates, we are privy to the more common briefs, the areas which are highly contested and the property genres which are in tightest demand. Clients often appoint us to help them have a point of difference in an otherwise very competitive market. While it feels tough out there for most buyers, there are…

The Importance of a Criteria List

By Cate Bakos | April 8, 2017

Recently we had the pleasure of working with a lovely guy who was searching for his first home. He’d been looking for a while, but made the decision to enlist some professional help because he was ultra time-poor and felt a bit out of his depth when establishing correct pricing. Home buyers source the help of…

The Agent’s *RULES*

By Cate Bakos | April 2, 2017

There is no doubt we find ourselves in a  tough buying climate (technically referred to as a Seller’s Market and characterised by demand outpacing supply, and defined by the auction clearance rate figures being above 65%). Auction success for most buyers is threatened by heated bidding, crazy budgets, and desperate buyers.  It is little wonder that buyers…

Beautiful Black Rock

By Cate Bakos | March 26, 2017

Some assignments go down in history as being particularly memorable for good reasons. Sometimes the journey is a long one with a fantastic reward at the end, and often our clients are an absolute delight to work with from the minute we commence our search. This assignment was both. Back in October we commenced our…

The perfect investment for time poor investors

By Cate Bakos | March 21, 2017

by Amy Mylius One of the best things about an ‘off market’ property is that it hasn’t had the exposure of online advertising and a five week auction campaign with dozens of buyers walking through the door. One of the worst things about this type of property is that the vendor hasn’t committed to any marketing expenses…

Is the Quest for 100% Costing You In a Moving Market?

By Cate Bakos | March 12, 2017

We enjoy our home-finder briefs, but the process is enormously different to our investor briefs  at the strategy phase.We don’t look at metrics, nor do we cover off rental yields or vacancy rates. We just  focus on two segments, but they are often complex, difficult and confronting for buyers.  These two critical steps upon commencement…





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