Spotlight On...

We’ve had some really exciting assignments this year, from welcoming Sydney investors to our fabulous city, to fighting it out for beautiful homes at auction. We’ve witnessed out-performance capital growth in many postcodes, particularly the inner north, north-west and inner west. One defining aspect of 2016 was the sheer competition for houses at auction. Our auction success rate plummeted and our reliance on suitable off-markets reached a high during this year.

We couldn’t have ‘favourite buys’…. it’s just too difficult to chose one over the other. It’s the client journeys we love and the results we get to sometimes surprise them with.

Here  are just some of our notable picks of 2016, and for all of them we can remember each assignment with a proud smile. Many of these purchases came to fruition after a long and somewhat frustrating journey for special clients who hung in there and exercised patience long after most would have their patience run out.


We love all things property, but it’s our clients who make our jobs so exciting.

Reflecting on a tough, busy, exciting and happy year we’d like to thank all of our clients  and industry buddies for their support.

Wishing you all a safe and happy festive season!

Cate, Amy, Ren, Jeanette, Ian and Pete 🙂