Melbourne property listings are up but so are buyers, leaving many struggling to find a home

Melbourne homes are being sold quicker than new ones are listed, leaving buyers struggling to find properties in time for Christmas despite a staggering 170.9 per cent jump in new listings in October.

New listings rebounded to unseasonable levels coming out of lockdown, Domain senior research analyst Nicola Powell said, but were now slightly lower than last year.

Although buyer demand was still lower than this time last year, it was “rapidly tracking higher in recent weeks” – up 33.2 per cent for the four weeks to October 25 – while the number of overall listings was 1.2 per cent lower than this time last year.

“It shows stock is being absorbed at a greater rate than new stock is coming onto the market,” Dr Powell said.

Buyer’s advocate and Real Estate Buyers Agents Association of Australia president Cate Bakos has seen this firsthand.

“I’m not necessarily having people screaming at me saying, ‘there’s no stock’, what I am having people scream at me is ‘there’s no time’,” Ms Bakos said. “The days on market are so tight, agents, vendors and buyers are all creating that perfect storm.”

She said vendors were taking pre-auction offers, as many had experienced the uncertainty of lockdowns making it near impossible to sell homes.

Agents too were encouraging shorter campaigns, as private inspections took up a lot of their time – meaning the number of properties they could have listed at once was limited.

And buyers? They had “FOMO”, Ms Bakos said, adding to the urgency in the market.

“I’ve seen some buyers pouncing with silly offers, but also with insufficient due-diligence too,” she said. “Not doing their assessment properly on price, without building and pest inspections and going in guns blazing with unconditional offers.”

Ray White chief executive Stephen Dullens has seen “downward pressure” on days on market. He said the company’s listings were up for the month, but still down for the year slightly.

Demand from buyers was still strong, he said, with those who wanted to buy during lockdown now competing to get into a home.

“We’re seeing properties go over their reserve prices, there’s a high number of bidders at auctions,” Mr Dullens said. “Supply and demand still does have a bit of a mismatch.”

Potential sellers were not necessarily holding off because of prices – Melbourne’s median house price was flat for the September quarter at $875,980 and even up for the year in some suburbs.

But buyer’s advocate Wendy Chamberlain said many were reluctant to list because they, too, would eventually need to find a property.

“It’s a catch-22,” Ms Chamberlain said. “Sellers need to put homes on the market, but they’re waiting because there’s nothing to buy.”

Andrea Clarke
Andrea Clarke is hoping to buy in the inner suburbs, but properties are hard to come by. Photo: Greg Briggs

Beaconsfield home owner Andrea Clarke is one of them. She has finished a renovation on the family home she has owned for 17 years, and plans to downsize to the inner-city suburbs with one of her children heading off to university next year.

She would like to find a two or three-bedroom worker’s cottage for no more than $1.2 million, preferably near her work in Collingwood but she has looked from Moonee Ponds to Balwyn and everywhere in between.

“I’ve been looking at what there is at the moment and there’s not a lot there,” Ms Clarke said. “I’ve seen some gorgeous ones right on budget, but they seem to get snapped up very quickly.”

She said while she had been planning to make her move this year, it would now likely not happen until 2021.

Ms Chamberlain said there were lots of buyers out there and if sellers came to the market now, some normality may start to return.

“A lot of people are sitting on their hands,” Ms Chamberlain said. “Now is the time to put your home on the market if all those ducks have lined up for you.”

Mr Dullens said once more than 10 people were allowed at on-site auctions come November 22, more sellers would likely be enticed to the market.

“Auctions are a Saturday sport in Melbourne,” he said. “People are more willing to sell at in-person auctions than online.”





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